Wednesday 25.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Special platform to register positive self-tests

22 Mar 2021 / 13:25

ATHENS. Those who test positive after taking a self-test can register it is they wish.

Digital Governance Minister Kyriakos Pierakakis announced that those who test positive after taking a Covid self-test can register it on a special platform.

The Minister told SKAI, "The system where members of the public can register that they have tested positive after a self-test will interract with the digital prescription system to which all pharmacists have access."

"There needs to be a platform for statistical reasons," he said. "We need it for the cases to be recorded and for EODY to monitor members of the public that have taken the test. There will also be a platform for people to register that they have tested positive, if they wish."

"It won't be exactly the same as if someone goes to a testing centre or is recorded in the central Covid register," the Minister added. "But it will be useful."