Monday 30.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

How long will this year΄s tourist season last?

21 Aug 2020 / 10:23

CORFU. Corfu tourism professionals anxiously await the daily updates from EODY whilst keeping an eye on the intentions of the health authorities in customer countries in order to try and guess how long the remaining season will last.

Just yesterday the UK removed Croatia and the Dalmation Coast from its safe list due to the recent spike of cases. This given, the Government spokesperson at his press briefing tried to make light of concerns by referring to Greece's position on the global list of coronavirus cases. He pointed out that in Belgium the number of cases is 10 times greater than us and the number of deaths 42 times greater. The epidemiological situation in Greece is better than other countries - which is his response to all those who say that "things are getting out of control in Greece".

UK extension
According to Tasos Teloglou's article in Kathimerini, Greek tourism 'breathed again' for a week as the UK authorities decided not to impose a 14-day quarantine on returning travellers as they did for those returning from Croatia.

A large number of tourism professionals had been waiting for the announcement in order to make their own decisions as to whether this year's tourist season would end early.


Meanwhile, there was a meeting at Corfu Port Authority with local cruise representatives to discuss the health protocols for cruise passengers so that Corfu can be properly prepared. Both MSC and Costa announced recently that they will resume cruises in the Mediterranean and will visit Corfu once a week. Their best scenario is that this will continue until October.

Corfu Palace Hotel

The iconic Corfu Palace Hotel, which operates all-year round, is reopening after having been closed down for lockdown. However, the checks on adherence of health safety measures and social distancing are intensifying and the daily news from EODY and the situation in other tourist destinations are creating increased concern.

The Government spokesman may well claim that domestic 'relaxation' has done more damage than imported cases - but it seems to be a case of the chicken and the egg.

The Corfiot GNTO President Angela Gerekou told Enimerosi before the pandemic that money will be made by the end of season. "Let's wait till the end and see," someone should have added.