Wednesday 22.01.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Illegal work on Agios Mathaios beaches shoreline

Agios Mathaios
16 Feb 2022 / 17:37

CORFU. According to the Greek legislation, the shoreline belongs to the public and any intervention or alteration, as well as any permanent construction, is strictly prohibited.

Readers informed Enimerosi about yet another illegal intervention on Corfu shorelines. This time, it concerns illegal excavations on the beaches of Skidi and Kanouli in South Corfu.
It should be reminded that, according to the Greek legislation, the shoreline belongs to the public and any intervention or alteration, as well as any permanent construction, is strictly prohibited. However, it is known that all over the island this legislation is constantly being violated or ignored, while the responsible authorities either remain inactive or are just issuing administrative fines. 

As the residents stated in a detailed letter, which they sent to the responsible authorities, the earthworks are altering the terrain of the shoreline, resulting in destruction of the natural breakwater, long-term precipitation and subsidence, pollution and, of course, the aesthetic degradation of the area.

The residents’ letter to all responsible authorities:
With this letter we would like to inform you about the illegal work, which is being carried out on the ‘Skidi’ and ‘Kanouli’ beaches in Agios Mathaios, Corfu.
Specifically, earthworks are being carried out with a bulldozer, with deposition of excavated materials on the shoreline and on the rocks at the edge of the sea, deforestation of the slope (the area is classified as a forest area) and creation of a road on the shoreline, which destroys the natural boundary between the two beaches, i.e. the small cape created by these rocks, which was a natural breakwater and windbreak.

These violent and illegal interventions in the shoreline by various owners have resulted in:
a) the destruction of the beach, the aesthetic degradation of the natural environment and pollution
b) precipitation or subsidence of the slopes that define the beach and of any construction (barbecues, stairs, platforms, observatories) that has been placed on their edge, resulting in pieces of concrete and rusty iron, as well as other building materials, either ending up on the sand or in the sea. Thus, bathers are in danger of stepping on them and ending up in a health center for a tetanus shot, as has happened in the past, since the responsible owners are not interested in picking them up.
Basically, we are “recklessly and carelessly” doing whatever we want and then, when the consequences come naturally, we present ourselves as the victim... It should be noted that the area is of particular natural beauty and the soil is soft and cannot withstand interventions or excavations.
Illegal earthworks reduce the stability of the slopes, due to the geological nature of the soil and the existing water table. Older generations of local residents, next to whom we grew up, knew from experience (common sense) that the only way to protect these areas is to not intervene recklessly and to hold them in place with existing natural vegetation.
It should also be noted that the owner of the property that is on the abovementioned cape has built a concrete staircase on ‘Skidi’ beach, the base of which is – of course – on the sand.
Does he intend to do something similar on the other beach (Kanouli) as well, towards which his property also faces? Under what permits are these works being carried out? If any permits have been issued, have all the legal requirements been met for their issuance (e.g. Forestry Service permission, geotechnical study, etc.)?
Why is someone destroying the soil and the existing rocks with bulldozers, while piling up stones on someone else's property? Where will they use them? Will they replace the rocks with stones? Who is beginning to carry out such work in January in the rainy Corfu and why?
We are requesting the responsible services, to which we can provide any further information or clarification required:
a) that the work be stopped immediately and that they check the permits and other documents.
b) the restoration of the shoreline and the cove to its former condition.
c) the imposition of the legal consequences on those responsible for this monstrosity.
The residents have photos of the work that is being carried out
(You will find 17 signatures below).