Monday 10.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

School meals at nine Corfu primary schools this year

primary schools
07 Oct 2022 / 10:04

CORFU. Meals will be provided at 1,629 primary schools throughout the country including 38 in the Ionian Islands.

With the cost of living rising the provision of school meals can provide significant support for many families.

According to the announcement in the Government Gazette, the following nine primary schools in north, central and south Corfu will be included in the school meals programme this year:

Lefkimmi-Riglades 1st Primary School, Lefkimmi-Riglades 2nd Primary School, Lefkimmi 4th Primary School, Corfu 1st Special Primary School, Kato Garouna Primary School, Kontokali Primary School, Liapades Primary School and Sinarades Primary School.

Meals to begin in October

The Ionian Islands Regional Director of Education Petros Aggelopoulos told Enimerosi that the provision of school meals is expected to begin in October.

According to Mr. Aggelopoulos, the schools were selected based on the interest expressed by both parents and the schools. Meals will be provided at 1,629 primary schools throughout the country including 38 in Corfu, Cephalonia and Zakynthos. No schools applied in Lefkada.

Mr. Aggelopoulos said that the meals will be of high quality and stored at the correct temperature in special containers depending on the type of food and will be provided for the whole school year.

Positive interest

The programme began in Corfu last year and is continuing this year. Although a lot of parents were hesitant at first, this changed over the year and more and more have expressed a positive interest so that their children can enjoy a hot nutritious meal at school.

The meals are prepared in such a way as to also take into account any children who may have allergies. The school meals programme is implemented nationwide and is included in the state budget.