Thursday 19.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Meropi Ydraiou denies prohibiting the Environmental Director from visiting Lefkimmi landfill

17 Dec 2019 / 09:05

CORFU. The Central Corfu & Diapontia Islands Mayor Meropi Ydraiou told Enimerosi that she categorically denies giving an order for the Regional Environmental Director to be denied access to Lefkimmi landfill.

The claim was made by Lefkimmi Cultural Society and reported in Enimerosi. Following this denial and assuming that the complaint from Lefkimmi Cultural Society is true, the denial of access must have come from someone from SYDIS/FODSA (Solid Waste Management Association) without the President and Board knowing about it.

The incident, which came about following complaints from local residents that the Environmental Director went to check up on, has created even more tension between the Mayors of Central Corfu and South Corfu Meropi Ydraiou and Kostas Lessis.