Monday 30.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Firefighters battle all night with fire in Zakynthos - fire now abating

16 Sep 2019 / 07:15

ZAKYNTHOS. Since first light this morning firefighting planes and helicopters have been dropping water on the flames in the Keri - Agalas area in Zakynthos.

Firefighters in Zakynthos battled with the flames all night to try and get the fire which broke out in the villages of Keri and Agalas on Sunday morning under control. The fire has been burning out of control since that time.

Since first light this morning firefighting planes and helicopters have been dropping water and more firefighters on the ground have come in an attempt to contain the flames.

The local media has reported that two houses have been burnt down along with the roof of a hotel.

At this time there are 171 firefighters, 52 vehicles, 2 METPE (Special Forces) units, 9 ground units, 2 planes and 4 helicopters.

There are also 13 water tanks and 5 other pieces of equipment from the Regional and Local Authorities.