Sunday 30.06.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

World Music Day: Friday΄s events in Corfu

World Music Day
20 Jun 2019 / 14:18

CORFU. 21 June was officially declared World Music Day in 1985.

21 June was officially declared World Music Day in 1985, three years after the first celebration in France. As in previous years there will be various musical events in Corfu to celebrate the event.

On Friday 21 June at 20:00 there will be a concert of Renaissance and Baroque music from the Ionian University Early Music Lab at the Catholic Church of St. Francis of Assisi.

Violin: Victoria Karapetian, Stephania Spiri
Vocals: Sophia Ketetzian, Zoe Dimopoulou, Aliki Siousti
Harpsichord: Aliki Siousti, Katerina Michopoulou

Works by Claudin de Sermisy, Henry Purcell, Giulio Caccini, Biagio Marini, Claudio Monteverdi, Girolamo Frescobaldi και Jean-Baptiste Lully.

The Philharmonic Bands will, naturally, also be celebrating World Music Day. 'Capodistrias' Philharmonic Society will be putting on a concert in the Old Town Hall Square at 21:00 with the Percussion Ensemble, conducted by by Nikos Metalinos, and the Youth Band, conducted by Dimitris Papakinos.

A little later 'Mantzaros' Philharmonic Society will be performing at the Colonnade of the Palace of St.  Michael and St. George, conducted by Socrates Anthis. This will be preceded by a concert by the 'Mantzaros' Youth Piccolo Band in Pinia, conducted by Spyros Rouvas.

The 'Mantzaros' percussion Ensemble and Trumpet Ensemble will be performing in central parts of Corfu Town in the morning.

The 'Old' Philharmonic Society Youth Band will be performing in the streets of Corfu in the evening, conducted by Spyros Kakarougas and there will be a concert with the Piccolo Band and the Pupils' Band in the 'Old' Philharmonic Society hall. Concerts will continue on Saturday 22nd with the Children's Choir, conducted by Rania Dakanali and Oliana Monopolo, and the Preliminary Piano Group.