Afra Primary School votes...΄No to rubbish΄ ΄No to plastic΄

31 May 2019
/ 06:17
CORFU. Afra Primary School took part in the voluntary beach clean-up campaign Clean Up The Med.
The pupils shouted out a loud 'No to rubbish and plastics'. In its 24th year, the Clean Up The Med campaign involves thousands of volunteers, from many different countries, speaking different languages and from different cultures and religions act ing together to protect their environment by removing tons of waste spoiling the Mediterranean beaches and coastlines as well as the sea bottoms.
The pupils and teachers from Afra cleaned up the beach in Glyfada, which sees thousands of visitors from Greece and abroad every summer. They cleaned up the rubbish that had collected there and restored the beach to its natural beauty.
The Clean Up The Med campaign involves pupils and teachers, municipalities, environmental and other community organisations, businesses and volunteers of all ages coming together to provide a solution to the problem and show in a practical way their desire for clean seas and beaches.
Pupils and teachers from Afra Primary School came together and demonstrated their environmental responsibility collecting 150lt of waste spread along the beach - mostly, plastic, wood, food packaging, water and soft drink bottles, straws, cigarette stubs, metal cans and broken glass bottles.
The pupils then formed a large 'OXI' (NO) to rubbish and plastic to highlight our responsibility for the environment and the environmental danger that our seas and beaches face.
The Mediterranean SOS Network coordinates the Clean Up The Med campaign in Greece, which is one of the 21 Mediterranean countries taking part in the simultaneous activities.
Afra Primary School said that they hoped that their action helps raise awareness in parents, the local community, local authorities and the general public for a cleaner and more human environment.
See more photos here.
The pupils and teachers from Afra cleaned up the beach in Glyfada, which sees thousands of visitors from Greece and abroad every summer. They cleaned up the rubbish that had collected there and restored the beach to its natural beauty.
The Clean Up The Med campaign involves pupils and teachers, municipalities, environmental and other community organisations, businesses and volunteers of all ages coming together to provide a solution to the problem and show in a practical way their desire for clean seas and beaches.
Pupils and teachers from Afra Primary School came together and demonstrated their environmental responsibility collecting 150lt of waste spread along the beach - mostly, plastic, wood, food packaging, water and soft drink bottles, straws, cigarette stubs, metal cans and broken glass bottles.
The pupils then formed a large 'OXI' (NO) to rubbish and plastic to highlight our responsibility for the environment and the environmental danger that our seas and beaches face.
The Mediterranean SOS Network coordinates the Clean Up The Med campaign in Greece, which is one of the 21 Mediterranean countries taking part in the simultaneous activities.
Afra Primary School said that they hoped that their action helps raise awareness in parents, the local community, local authorities and the general public for a cleaner and more human environment.
See more photos here.