Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Cleansing Service: The efforts of the public have brought about an increase in the amount of waste being recycled

waste management
22 May 2019 / 08:47

CORFU. Due to the strong protests expressed by residents regarding the piling up of rubbish in many parts of the island, the Cleansing Service has issued the following statement:

Following questions from the public regarding the Cleansing Service refuse collection we feel obliged to provide the following information:

Recycling of Waste

- Thanks to  your well-targeted efforts making full use of available resources the percentage of waste being recycled every month shows a significant increase compared to 2018.

Month Recycling 2018 (kg) Recycling 2019 (kg) Increase
January 405,260 501,000 19%
February 307,970 451,910 32%
March 291,980 447,850 35%
April 284,080 591,580 52%
Considering the small weight of recyclable materials compared to the rest of the waste, the above figures indicate an extremely great effort by members of the public.

- On an ongoing basis the quantity of recyclable materials (paper, cardboard, plastic, metal) being collected this year is 15 - 17% of the total waste. This is almost double the national average.
- All the collected recyclable materials are taken to the Recyclable Materials Sorting Centre in Temploni, where they are sorted under the supervision of the Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation (HERRCO).
- The amount of residue being taken to the landfill is steadily decreasing on a monthly basis (8% decrease between January and April) indicating an increased awareness and implementation of sorting at source.

These figures could be even better if our Service could organise the separate collection of recyclable materials throughout the Municipality. It is estimated that at present 70% is covered and we are waiting for permanent personnel so that we can cover the whole network.

Mixed Waste

- More is being produced compared to 2018. From April to now, for example, the amount is equivalent to that of the month of June in the previous two years.
- Mixed waste is taken to Temploni landfill for processing.

Capabilities of the Cleansing Service

- The Service has to deal with twice the demand of the winter months without having the necessary permanent or seasonal personnel that it requested in a timely way from the Public Recruitment Office (ASEP).
- The announcement requesting seasonal personnel (60 cleansing personnel) was approved after a long delay. The deadline for the submission of applications is Monday 27 May.
- The final confirmation of personnel recruited by ASEP is expected in June and the permanent personnel will then start to take up their posts.

We are 60% short of the required personnel. With the tremendous efforts of the existing personnel and proper management of available resources we have been able to maintain the Municipality in a much better state than what our limited resources would normally allow us to.

Cleansing Service Infrastructure

Following the Service's comprehensive research into all the municipal and other properties available for sale in Central Corfu, the Town Council decided to participate in auctions and direct purchases of real estate for the needs of the Cleansing Service - workspace, offices and other services.

Contractors that have been approved for 2019

- Contracts are being awarded gradually and it is expected that refuse collection will be normalised within the next two weeks. These contracts re for approximately 1.5 months.
- At the beginning of June 4 international invitations for tender will be issued. The contracts, when awarded, will ensure proper refuse collection for the whole of the tourist season in all of the new municipalities.

We would like to stress that the Service's plans are being implemented even though slowly - not due to us. We urge you to continue sorting at source and to dispose of your waste in a proper way - with respect towards the environment, your fellow citizens and the Cleansing Service workers.