Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Community waste management meeting: the successful Sparti model

11 Nov 2018 / 07:10

CORFU. There was a good turnout and lots of interest at the meeting organized by the Alternative Cultural Workshop at the Labour Centre.

The meeting, which was basically about recycling, proved to be an excellent initiative on the part of the organizers the Alternative Cultural Workshop. Although there was concern about the planned length of the meeting - 5 hours - it proved, in fact, to be possibly too short to cover the need for information and discussion.

The large turnout of people at the Labour Centre (Ergatiko Kentro) was hanging on to every word from the two speakers - the specialist Dimitris Damaskos and the representative from Lakonia Multi-Shareholder Material Management Company 'Lakoniki Bioenergiaki A.E.' Stavros Argyropoulos. Both of them, from their different standpoints, attributed the mismanagement to insufficient political will and technical expertise as well as conflicting interests and corruption. They argued that there is a tremendous potential and ambition which can be fulfilled by recycling.

The example of Sparti and the Lakonia Enterprise was given, which, following the initial clashes, difficulties and various obstacles when applying for a licence, is now a model of innovation, efficiency and collaboration with the Municipality of Sparti. A similar example, although it wasn't mentioned at the meeting, is that of Cephalonia which has had similar positive results. Mr. Argyropoulos pointed out that there is the potential in Greece for the collection of materials from the six recycling streams. This commenced in Sparti a few years ago and to now has proved to be sustainable.

A lot of questions were put to the two speakers and in the second half of the meeting representatives from the various Green Spot initiatives in Corfu presented what they had done and what their experience has been.

The meeting was organized by Corfu Alternative Cultural Workshop with active support from Temploni Cultural Society, Potamos Cultural Society, Corfu Environmental Initiative and Corfu Environmental Protection SOciety.

See more photos here.