Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Ludicrous coming and going of refuse: Lefkimmi-Temploni-Lefkimmi

waste management
17 Aug 2018 / 07:01

CORFU. The findings of the Environmental Inspection team show up the failings.

The Environmental Inspection report seeks solutions from the Solid Waste Management Association (SYDISA) for the problems created by the deficient management of waste at the Lefkimmi landfill.

On Thursday, SYDISA board member Nikos Kalogero,s from the main opposition party on the Town Council, carried out an inspection of the landfill and more or less confirmed what the inspection team had reported. There were thousands of torn bales, loose rubbish spread throughout the area and an unpleasant stench and insects everywhere.

In their press release, the political party 'Kerkyra Dimos' state that during Nikos Kalogeros' visit one of the contractor's vehicles was collecting the loose refuse in order to transport it back to Temploni for it to be baled again!

To summarise - the waste bales travel 40km from Temploni landfill to Lefkimmi landfill where they are deposited according to the temporary permit. The bales that have broken open (2,500 up to now) leave a pile of mixed waste which is collected and travels 40km back to Temploni to be baled once again before travelling the 40km back to Lefkimmi...