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΄Lefkimmi won΄t become another Iphigenia΄: New attacks on Regional Governor

waste management
23 Jun 2018 / 12:19

CORFU. 1,500 signatures collected up to now.

"The Ionian Islands Regional Governor is trying in any way he can to weaken our movement in order to achieve his goal - the destruction of South Corfu." This is the statement issued by the Movement against the use of the Lefkimmi landfill. Up to June 21 it had collected 1,458 signatures and the collection is continuing.

The statement

"The Ionian Islands Regional Governor insists on insulting our dignity and moral standing. He continues to deride our Movement because it opposes the plans of those who want to destroy South Corfu. He is afraid of social solidarity and when he talks about it he is trying to break it up.

He calls our Movement a 'supposed movement', belittling the intelligence of the citizens of Corfu. Has nobody told him how many people were at the rally on May 5 and the concert on June2?

His desperate attempts to link us with nazism is the epitome of the method used by nazism itself - 'Keep saying it and something will stick' - and as he doesn't seem to understand, we just want to tell him and others behaving in the same way that fascism in all its manifestations is cultivated by those who use politics in the way he does - anti-democratic and brutal politics awash in lies and insults against those whom he asked to vote for him.

He uses all available means in order to achieve his undeclared but clearly obvious goal of destroying South Corfu. In this case he cites nazism as being the main element of our Movement even though he knows this is not the case. He does this to achieve his first goal, which is to weaken the movement by creating divisions, in the hope of halting the resistance of residents of an area which refuses to take on the role of Iphigenia.

It goes without saying that we reciprocate the offensive remarks of the Regional Governor and others with similar behaviour.

By June 21 1,458 signatures have been collected and the collection is continuing.

The signatures are being kept at the office of the Lefkimmi Cultural and Environmental Society."