First stages of the Integrated Spatial Development Plan discussed
Corfu Town
22 Jun 2018
/ 09:48
CORFU. The ΄Urban Authority΄ of the Integrated Spatial Development Plan (OHE) for Corfu Town met at the Old Town Hall on Wednesday.
The meeting was attended by the Deputy Mayor for Tourism Vassilis Kavadias and the Planning Director Mr. Pitsas on behalf of the Municipality. Other partners and organizations who were represented at the meeting were the Ionian University ( Rector Mr. Economou), the Chamber of Commerce (Board Member Mr. Simatis), the Technical Chamber (local President Mr. Triantos), DOPAP (the Municipal Organization for Culture, Sport and the Environment - President Mr. Korakianitis) and the Municipal Art Gallery (executive Theodoros Metallinos).
Those present were given an update on the approval of the Corfu OHE Strategy: "Integrated Spatial Development Plan to promote Corfu Town as an internationally-recognized Thematic Town, Product-Town and Creative Cultural Destination" and the first stages in the implementation of the plan were discussed.
Those present were given an update on the approval of the Corfu OHE Strategy: "Integrated Spatial Development Plan to promote Corfu Town as an internationally-recognized Thematic Town, Product-Town and Creative Cultural Destination" and the first stages in the implementation of the plan were discussed.