Don΄t drive into the town centre - you΄ll have problems!

CORFU. A letter of advice from the deputy mayor, Spyros Chalikopoulos to the locals and visitors coming into Corfu Town in August.
Corfu welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors in August, and often these visitors, as well as many permanent residents of the island, try to enter the uniquely beautiful historic town centre by car, especially during the afternoon and early evening hours.
However, the parking spaces there, as in all historic town centres in Europe, are few and full. This means that attempting to enter the historic centre will result in a frustrating and fruitless effort.
For this reason, we recommend to all of you to come to the town, experience it, enjoy it, and delight in it by choosing to park your car in parking lots around the periphery of the town, which have many hundreds of parking spaces. Among them are a large municipal area at the southern entrance of the town (Lyriko, on Don. Dimoulitsas Street) and a smaller area provided by the Ionian University at the northern entrance of the town (in Pallada).
All available parking spaces, both public and private, are 10-15 minutes away on foot from the historic centre of Corfu, and it is preferable to walk this short distance rather than get stuck in your car in a futile and ineffective search for a parking spot.
Attached is a map marking the parking spaces we encourage you to choose to avoid inconvenience.