Saturday 21.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Three proposals put forward for temporary relief of Temploni facility

waste management
21 Jun 2018 / 07:15

ATHENS. Yet another meeting in Athens without a result - The Government΄s silence is deafening.

The Mayor is returning to Corfu without anything tangible with which to deal with the refuse crisis. According to information from government sources, the meeting about the waste management issue took place early in the afternoon and lasted about three hours. Corfu presented three proposals for the immediate relief of the congestion in the interim waste management at Temploni. The recent problems have meant that around 5,000 tons of mixed refuse have gathered - which the baler hasn't had time to process.

Three options were presented to tackle this problem: 1. The refuse be deposited at the old cells in Temploni - which goes against the recent court verdict. 2. Emergency and temporary use of an old site for uncontrolled disposal of waste (HADA) or other site. 3. Shipping of waste to the mainland - which government representatives don't even want to hear about.

However, Corfu's negative tourism image with piles of rubbish on the roads is due to this problem right now - the baler can't cope with the overload! At the moment it can handle approximately 300 tons a day. What happens with the rest?

According to the same sources, the government representatives at the meeting sent the mayor back to Corfu, telling him to expect a response shortly. According to unconfirmed sources, the Deputy Prime Minister Alekos Flambouraris presided over the meeting and Corfu MP Kostas Pavlidis was also present.

The government believes that the immediate transfer of the waste bales to Lefkimmi will free up space at Temploni. Meanwhile, the request for tender is proceeding in order to appoint a contractor to make the burnt-out facilities at Lefkimmi operational again and in Lefkimmi a situation is developing daily reminiscent of Keratea (an area in Attica where the residents put up resistance for 128 days in 2010 against the creation of a landfill) - preparing for a siege.