Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Everyone in the trenches - for the ΄refuse΄ war

waste management
31 May 2018 / 06:35

LEFKIMMI. The Lefkimmi residents΄ coordinating committee, who oppose the opening of the landfill, held a meeting after learning that a team of people - it isn΄t known from where - visited the Lefkimmi facility on Wednesday.

The meeting took place on Wednesday night and the discussion centred around what action they would take if refuse was transported to the landfill.

At the moment energy is going into the organization of the protest concert on Saturday at 20:00 at the bridge on the river.  It is hoped that this event will make it clear yet again that there is total opposition to the opening of the facility. Members of the committee told Enimerosi that the police were using methods of mass intimidation by calling whole families to be interrogated in the investigation of the arson attack at the landfill.

In Temploni the only sound to be heard is that of the seagulls circling above the mountains of rubbish. The non-operational baling unit is surrounded by bales of approximately ten thousand tons of rubbish. There is talk of the pressure being relieved by moving some of this to a neighbouring sports pitch owned by the Brotherhood. To date, however, there has been no confirmation of this.

Meanwhile, it has been estimated that around 3,000 tons of rubbish has piled up throughout the island - creating an intolerable situation.