Civil Protection Secretariat: Clear up the dry grass on your properties!

civil protection
16 Apr 2018
/ 09:44
CORFU. Owners of land in close proximity to inhabited areas are legally obliged to take measures to prevent the possible outbreak of fires.
The General Directorate for Land Planning and the Environment (Civil Protection Department) has made the following announcement:
The Municipality of Corfu Civil Protection Department would like to inform the public that:
Owners, tenants or leaseholders of land and other open property which is located in a town or community or within 100 metres of their boundaries have the following legal obligations in order to prevent the possible outbreak of fire:
- Clearance of dry grasses
- Removal of these
- Removal of any infammable or explosive materials that may be located on their property.
If the clearance and removal of grasses and any other inflammable or explosive materials has not been completed by the end of May 2018, our Service will take legal action.
Finally, we remind you that the lighting of fires is prohibited throughout the period from 1st May to 31st October every year.
The Municipality of Corfu Civil Protection Department would like to inform the public that:
Owners, tenants or leaseholders of land and other open property which is located in a town or community or within 100 metres of their boundaries have the following legal obligations in order to prevent the possible outbreak of fire:
- Clearance of dry grasses
- Removal of these
- Removal of any infammable or explosive materials that may be located on their property.
If the clearance and removal of grasses and any other inflammable or explosive materials has not been completed by the end of May 2018, our Service will take legal action.
Finally, we remind you that the lighting of fires is prohibited throughout the period from 1st May to 31st October every year.