Sotiriotisa seafront ΄unrecognizable΄!

28 Mar 2018
/ 14:09
CORFU.The team of volunteers from ΄All together for Corfu΄ set to work on Tuesday.
Together with Potamos Cultural Society they set about clearing the vegetation and rubbish on the Sotiriotisa seafront alongside the road between Alykes and Kontokali.
The coordinator, Spyros Nerantzis, said that these voluntary initiatives aren't a substitute for the municipal services - they just set a good example and keep the place clean and cared for.
Yesterday the work began with the cutting of wild grass and vegetation near the sea -
with spectacular results!

In Greek.
The coordinator, Spyros Nerantzis, said that these voluntary initiatives aren't a substitute for the municipal services - they just set a good example and keep the place clean and cared for.
Yesterday the work began with the cutting of wild grass and vegetation near the sea -
with spectacular results!

In Greek.