Monday 23.12.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Is Garitsa Park a danger spot?

22 Mar 2018 / 08:00

By Giorgos Zoumbos

Many years ago – during the military dictatorship, we think - two ponds were built in Garitsa and Anemomylos parks. They had small bridges, were looked after and everything was going just fine for several years.

However, they were gradually abandoned and the one at Anemomylos was filled in by the Municipal Services, we believe, and the area was utilized in a different way. But the one in Garitsa survived and is now in a dreadful condition.

Over the years the wooden railings on the bridge have been ruined and whenever there is a heavy rainfall the pond fills up with water. As there is no surrounding fence and children play in the area next to it, there always exists the danger of an accident happening. Baby carriages, balls and anything else you can imagine have at various times been found in the pond.

Given that the Municipality does not seem to have any plans for this area, we believe that the simplest option is to do the same as was done to the Anemomylos pond – break up the bed of the pond, possibly take down the bridge, fill in the basin with soil and put benches and plants in the area. It would be ideal if this could be done as part of the general development of the park – but, whatever happens, things cannot continue as they are. The fact that there have been no accidents up to now does not mean that there isn’t a serious danger of one happening.  So before we get to the stage of the blame-game, let’s do something.