Association of Prison Officers says all officers should be tested by EODY

Corfu Prison
22 Oct 2020
/ 15:07
CORFU. Following the COVID-19 cases at the prison, prison officers say they want all officers tested not just some - the special circumstances in prisons means they can΄t be put in quarantine.
Corfu Association of Prison Officers has issued a statement following the positive Covid test results for two inmates on Saturday 17 October and the fact that no tests have been carried out on inmates and staff up to today, Thursday 22nd.
The Association says that it won't accept tests being carried out on only some of the officers - all the staff should be tested as there are special circumstances in prisons and they can't be put into quarantine.
Association statement:
On Saturday 17 October after two inmates were found to have fevers they were taken to Corfu General Hospital for COVID-19 tests, as the regulations require.
On Monday 19 October we were told that both were positive and they were immediately transferred to a special COVID-19 area and the rest of the inmates in the wing were kept in their cells and put in quarantine, where they remain up to today.
The prison officers who are responsible for Covid immediately tried to contact EODY - this took two hours and the response from EODY was "continue what you are doing and await further instructions".
On Tuesday 20 October we were told that they would be coming the following day (Wednesday) or at the latest Thursday to carry out tests on the inmates in the wing and 25 prison officers, when the number of officers who have had contact with tht wing or with other officers is over 80.
We would like to point out that there are special circumstances in prison facilities and a quarantine can't be imposed nor can the facility be closed for 14 days. Already inmates have been confined to their cells for four days and cannot take much more, whereas, on the other hand, the officers are concerned about their health as well as that of their families.
For this reason, we will not accept that only some officers will be tested but only that all are tested."
The Association says that it won't accept tests being carried out on only some of the officers - all the staff should be tested as there are special circumstances in prisons and they can't be put into quarantine.
Association statement:
On Saturday 17 October after two inmates were found to have fevers they were taken to Corfu General Hospital for COVID-19 tests, as the regulations require.
On Monday 19 October we were told that both were positive and they were immediately transferred to a special COVID-19 area and the rest of the inmates in the wing were kept in their cells and put in quarantine, where they remain up to today.
The prison officers who are responsible for Covid immediately tried to contact EODY - this took two hours and the response from EODY was "continue what you are doing and await further instructions".
On Tuesday 20 October we were told that they would be coming the following day (Wednesday) or at the latest Thursday to carry out tests on the inmates in the wing and 25 prison officers, when the number of officers who have had contact with tht wing or with other officers is over 80.
We would like to point out that there are special circumstances in prison facilities and a quarantine can't be imposed nor can the facility be closed for 14 days. Already inmates have been confined to their cells for four days and cannot take much more, whereas, on the other hand, the officers are concerned about their health as well as that of their families.
For this reason, we will not accept that only some officers will be tested but only that all are tested."