
Feelings run high at pre-election meeting in Kavadades
CORFU. The speech of mayoral candidate Varelis took place at the same time as the speech of the incumbent mayor Mahimaris.

Kavadades residents at the end of their tether due to lack of water
CORFU. DEYAK says that the damage in the well will be repaired within the day. Starting from tomorrow, water supply will return to normal.

Kavadades completely cleaned up by volunteers
CORFU. Kavadades locals voluntarily spent the week cleaning up their village, with the work culminating at the weekend.

Kavadades residents begin clean-up of area
CORFU. Residents are cleaning up the area for Easter and the beginning of the tourist season.

Kavadades Cultural Society - New Year΄s Cake and meal
CORFU. Invitation from Kavadades Cultural Society to its annual night out with meal and New Year΄s Cake.

Kavadades Cultural Society - open meeting
CORFU. Open invitation from Kavades Cultural Society to its assembly on Tuesday 29 January at 18:00.

Arillas Cultural Initiative - New Year΄s Cake
CORFU. Arillas Cultural Initiative, Arillas Business Association and Arillas-Kavadades Sports Association will be cutting their New Year΄s cake.

53-year-old man commits suicide with a shotgun in Kavadades
CORFU. He was found dead on Friday morning.

Traditional village fair in Kavadades
CORFU. Kavadades Cultural Society is organizing a traditional village fair on Sunday 8th July - the name day of St. Procupius.