Hotel employees protest for their work rights and demand immediate support

CORFU. They claim that many hotel units will not operate this year, leaving hundreds of workers without jobs and without financial support.
Hotel employees held a protest at DYPA (formerly OAED), demanding their labour rights and financial survival. Holding a banner that read "OAED WORKERS – 6-Month Unemployment Benefit of €600 for Seasonal Workers," the protesters called for the payment of unemployment benefits for seasonal workers, denouncing the authorities' indifference.
They claim that many hotel units will not operate this year, leaving hundreds of workers without jobs and without financial support. At the same time, in a period of unprecedented economic pressure, DYPA is proceeding with the payment of only 50% of the unemployment benefit via a prepaid card for purchases, instead of providing direct financial assistance. This has resulted in workers facing serious survival issues, as they are unable to cover basic needs such as rent, bills and other obligations.
The protesting hotel employees demand an immediate solution and the full payment of the benefit in cash, so they can cope with the difficult economic conditions they are experiencing.
Photo: Enimerosi