Farmers΄ protest on 20 January

CORFU. Outside the former Prefecture.
(Federation of Agricultural Associations) It is well-known and understood by all of us that the problems facing workers are becoming increasingly severe. The income of farmers, fishermen and livestock breeders is rapidly declining due to the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which has been implemented by all governments to date.
As a result:
- We are experiencing a significant increase in the cost of all agricultural supplies and fuel.
- A steep drop in the price of olive oil for producers, while consumers are paying exorbitant prices.
- Large cuts in subsidies, reaching and exceeding 30%.
- Complete indifference from the state, the Ionian Regional Authority and the Municipality regarding the maintenance and expansion of the rural road network.
- Similarly, there is complete disregard for environmental protection against fires, floods, and urban wastewater.
All of this has led to the widespread abandonment of agricultural production.
We believe that much can change through organisation and a united fight!
The Federation of Agricultural Associations invites you to a protest on Monday, January 20th, at the former Prefecture building. We believe that together we can demand:
- A guaranteed minimum price for olive oil.
- The abolition of VAT on agricultural supplies and fertilisers.
- Fire and flood protection projects.
- Maintenance and expansion of the rural road network.
- An ELGA office in Corfu and changes to its regulations to provide 100% compensation for crops and livestock affected by natural disasters and diseases. Immediate payment of compensation.
- An OPEKEPE office in Corfu.
- No privatisation of healthcare—free and universal healthcare for all.
We call on all hard-working farmers to join us on Monday, January 20th, at 10 a.m. at the former Prefecture building.
On the same day, at 12 p.m., we have requested a meeting with the Regional Governor to present our demands.
We also invite you to the protest organised by hospital workers’ unions and pensioner organisations on Thursday, January 23rd, at 5 p.m. at Porta Real.