4th Experimental Primary School pupils visit memorial on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

CORFU. The visit culminated with their presence at the Holocaust memorial, dedicated to the Jewish residents of Corfu who were deported and exterminated in concentration camps, primarily at Auschwitz.
On January 27th, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the Memorial Day for Greek Jewish Martyrs and Heroes of the Holocaust, Corfu - Athenagorio 4th Experimental Primary School organised an important educational activity aimed at preserving historical memory and fostering values such as solidarity, tolerance, equality, respect for human rights, and peace.
The activity included a visit to the Jewish Quarter of Corfu, a historic site of particular significance, as it served as a place of suffering for the island’s Jewish community during World War II. The children had the opportunity to learn about significant historical events related to the persecution and extermination of a large part of the local Jewish community by the occupying forces.
The visit culminated with their presence at the Holocaust Memorial, dedicated to the Jewish residents of Corfu who were deported and exterminated in concentration camps, primarily at Auschwitz.
The children had the opportunity to speak with Ms. Nina Vital, an active member of the Jewish Community of Corfu, who presented the rich history of the community, which before the war was an integral part of the island’s social and cultural life. She also explained the tragic circumstances that led to the extermination of the majority of its members during the Nazi occupation. Through her personal accounts, the pupils were able to grasp the deeply human dimension of this tragedy.
The activity concluded with a simple yet profoundly moving memorial ceremony. The pupils laid flowers and lit candles at the memorial, honouring the victims of the Holocaust. This moment allowed the children to express their emotions and reflect on the significance of the message "Never Again" as a timeless call against racism, discrimination and intolerance.
After the ceremony, a discussion followed during which the pupils shared their thoughts and posed questions about the events and experiences they had just encountered. This dialogue helped them understand the importance of historical memory in building a future founded on justice, respect and solidarity.
This educational initiative is part of the school’s broader framework of activities aimed at raising pupils’ awareness of history, fostering empathy, and developing their sense of social responsibility. Through such actions, the school contributes to shaping citizens who uphold universal values, condemn intolerance, and commit to striving for a peaceful and just world.
Photos: Corfu - Athenagorio 4th Experimental Primary School