Sunday 16.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

North Corfu Water Supply and Sewerage Company can be sustainable if managed efficiently

North Corfu
15 Jan 2024 / 11:51

CORFU. The recommendation for the establishment of an autonomous water supply company in North Corfu was approved by a majority vote during the municipal council meeting held on Saturday evening in Acharavi.

The recommendation for the establishment of an autonomous water supply company in North Corfu was approved by a majority vote during the municipal council meeting held on Saturday evening in Acharavi.

The matter came before the council just twenty-four hours after the publication of the Government (FEK) of the Decentralized Administration regarding the withdrawal of the north municipality from the intermunicipal structure that emerged from the division of the unified Municipality of Corfu.

During the session, there was initially an update on the situation that the North Corfu Municipality inherits from the DIADEYADK, and subsequently, the economic feasibility study of the new enterprise was presented. This study will be submitted to the relevant Ministry for the final ministerial approval.

Essentially, the municipal council was called upon to decide for the second time on the withdrawal and establishment of an autonomous Water Supply and Sewerage Company (DEYA), as a relevant decision had been made last March.

The meeting was attended by the presidents of the local councils and employees of DIADEYADK. Additionally, the discussion was observed by the head of the Ionian Islands LASY party, regional councillor Alexandra Balou, who was born in Messaria in North Corfu.

What is being 'inherited'

The assets taken by the North Corfu Municipality as it departs from the previous system, however, are modest. Essentially, it acquires the facilities and equipment from its drilling operations, some aging vehicles, 18 personnel, the share corresponding to it from the 4 million debts to the DEDDIE, as well as one million Euros from a bank loan.

Additionally, it receives an aging network, which experiences frequent faults and water losses, with water meters not functioning for an estimated 60% of consumers.

Efficient management

North Corfu Municipality hopes to address all these issues with the establishment of its own enterprise, provided that the billing policy is rationalised. This would ensure the payment of actual consumption, which has largely been collected "virtually" so far, given that the water meters are not functioning.

The phenomenon has been observed even with large enterprises paying only fixed charges, despite having significant consumption.

According to the economic feasibility study, if the billing policy is justly regulated and there are revenues corresponding to actual consumption, unnecessary water wastage will be reduced accordingly. This will streamline water supply, which faces serious problems during the summer. Under these conditions, the enterprise is not only estimated to be sustainable but also has the potential to self-finance its infrastructure projects.


Despite significant disputes with the majority party, the main opposition party led by Spyros Varelas fully agreed with the opinion of Mahimaris' municipal authority. The decision was made by a majority, with 19 votes in favour and Laiki Sispirosi dissenting, proposing the establishment of a municipal service instead of an enterprise.