Police investigating report about suspicious car harassing junior high school pupil

CORFU. Fortunately, the youngster reacted in the proper way and ran away.
Police are investigating a complaint regarding a car that stopped a pupil from Corfu 7th Junior High School. Unknown individuals asked the pupils to get into the vehicle. The incident was reported to the authorities by phone on Tuesday afternoon immediately after the event.
The school Parents' Association has also posted a statement and update on its social media Page: 'Today (9/01) at 6:30 pm on Theodoros Desylla Street in Garitsa, a black car with two individuals inside stopped one of our pupils from the 1st year and told them to get into the car. Fortunately, the youngster reacted in the proper way and ran away. The incident has been reported and recorded with the police. Please inform your children.'
Police investigations into the incident are ongoing.
Photo: FB / Corfu 7th Junior High School