Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Museum of Tourism at Villa Rosa!

Villa Rosa
24 Jan 2023 / 09:45

CORFU. The renovation of the former Aspiotis residence and the existence of a Department of Tourism at the Ionian University together with Tsoumanis΄ offer provide an incentive for the creation of a unique Museum of Tourism in Corfu!

There are at least serious reasons why Villa Rosa should be converted into an exhibition of tourism. The first and main reason is the island's identity as a 'cradle' of tourism before it grew into the industry it is there existed hospitality in its own right together with the strength of its culture.

The second reason is the continued growth in the number of visitors, which demands the availability of museums, artistic venues, tours and a ;good time;.

The reason is the perhaps little-known charcater of the building which was once the residence of the publisher Kostas Aspiotis (the historic graphic arts workshop). The man that Pavlos Paleologos described in his writings as the father of Corfu tourism, the Prometheus of journalism and periodicals, who openly declared his love of the island (see the final article in the award-winning "Corfu, my Love" 1957).

As permanent President of the Local Tourism Committee and well into his old age, Aspiotis inspired and served the promotion of Corfu instrumentally, praising its joys and beauty along with its geographical locastion.

Kostas Tsoumanis is an enthusiast for exploration, travel and tourism. He is a fanatical collector of anything promoting touring and hospitality and their inseparable connection. He has gathered a wonderful collection of documents highlighting inherent human travel over time, including its relation to Corfu.

He has captured the beginning of these activities in ancient, classical Greek times with Corfu a prime example as described in Homeric times. He is offering what he has collected over almost four decades to help serve this vision and promotion.

The renovation of the former Aspiotis residence and the existence of a Department of Tourism at the Ionian University together with Tsoumanis' offer provide an incentive for the creation of a unique Museum of Tourism in Corfu which will showcase this character of Corfu forever!