Sunday 09.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Contract for reinforcement of Ipsos and Barbati water supply signed

water supply
30 Sep 2022 / 18:38

CORFU. Construction of a pipeline to reinforce the water supply to the areas of Kato Korakiana, Ipsos Beach, Agios Markos and Barbati, which are areas with a large tourist population during the summer months.

The DIADEYADK President Meropi Ydraiou and the project contractor signed yesterday the contract for the first project from the 'Antonis Tritsis' programme, which concerns the reinforcement of Ipsos and Barbati water supply from Paliohorafa drillings. The project has a budget of €594,688.
The project
DIADEYADK intends to construct a pipe to improve the conditions and reinforce the water supply of Kato Korakiana, Ipsos Beach, Agios Markos and Barbati, which have a lot of tourists and suffer from shortages during the summer months when they are flooded with tourists. The project will also replace and increase the inadequate pipes in Kato Korakiana, Dassia and Agios Markos. 8,241m of pipes will be constructed, of which 4,338m are within the abovementioned areas and 3,903m outside them.

The project is expected to be completed in 8 months since the signing the contract.
It is worth noting that since the approval of the funding, DEYAK's technical services put the project out to tender quickly - within 3 months - and then 8 months later the contract was signed with the contractor.
"I would like to thank the DIADEYADK Board and the services for the remarkable speed of the procedures, for a public service, so that the project can start", said the DIADEYADK President Meropi Ydraiou.