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Discussion on what times music should be allowed to be held early August

22 Jul 2022 / 18:38

CORFU. The Consultation and Quality of Life Committees will hold a meeting next week.

Whether the times that music is allowed in the historic centre will be extended or not is an issue that concerns the local community for two months now, causing tension between the residents and the businesspeople. However, the Council President Dimitris Metallinos said that the municipal authority did not know that apart from the opinion of the Local Council and the Quality of Life Committee, the Consultation Committee should also meet for this purpose.
At the special Central Corfu Council meeting to discuss DIADEYADK (public water company), which was called off after Thursday night's meeting, Mr. Metallinos stated that as long as the required procedures in the other two bodies are completed and decisions have been taken, the Municipal Council will be able to hold a meeting the first week of August, possibly 1 or 3 August.
The Consultation Committee
The Consultation Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 26 July at 18:30 at the conference hall in the Mon Repos estate, in order for the body to decide on whether the times allowed for music will be extended or not. In case not everyone is present (it is made up of about 70 bodies and individuals), the meeting will be held the following day, Wednesday 27 July, at the same time in the same place and the decision will be taken by those present.
According to Mr. Metallinos, the Quality of Life Committee will then meet on Friday 29 July, as the Deputy Mayor and President of the Quality of Life Committee Theoharis Yiotis assured him, in order for the body to express its opinion and offer its recommendation to the Central Corfu Council.
In order for the decision to be completely legal, it will have to pass a legality check by the Decentralised Administration.
However, while the issue has been attempted to be resolved since the end of May, a significant part of the tourist season has already passed and the island is full of people and, according to the businesspeople, it also has an economic impact as they have seen a drop in turnover.

The residents
However, since the current provisions and the 2012 regulatory decision to stop the music after 23:00 have been implemented, the residents have found their peace again.
“The situation in the historic town centre is completely different and people's lives have returned to normal. We are receiving messages from people we don't know who are applauding our attitude, but also from residents who had left the historic centre because of the situation and say they will now return to their homes. It's touching,” the President of the Association of Old Town Residents Nikos Olympios told Enimerosi.
However, to the businesspeople's complaints that the town "dies" after 23:00-00:00, he replied that the businesses have people until 02:30, even though there is no music.