Saturday 05.10.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Beached beaked whales: Greenpeace boat off the west coast of Corfu

23 Feb 2022 / 11:18

CORFU. The Rainbow Warrior III is once again in the Ionian Sea off the west coast of Corfu.

Greenpeace is demanding the cessation of seismic surveys being conducted by since 10 February by the SW Cook for the company Hellenic Petroleum (ELPE). The activists on board the Rainbow Warrior are demanding that ELPE cancels its plans for hydrocarbon extraction in Greece and immediately halts its seismic surveys in the Ionian.

Statement from Greenpeace:

In the direct communication our boat had with the crew of the SW Cook, we were told that the seismic surveys have been temporarily halted. However, they refused to answer any of our other questions and told us to contact the company. Greenpeace's message to the company is clear: "ELPE - stop this crime." The longer it keeps quiet about its plans, the louder our voice will get. We will not rest and will remain in the area (weather permitting) until ELPE announces officially that seismic surveys will cease.

Since Sunday, 20 February three beaked whales have been washed ashore on the west coast of Corfu. Although they were successfully returned to the sea, the coast is being searched for any more beached creatures. Meanwhile, Hellenic Petroleum is continuing its destructive seismic surveys in the Ionian block in search of possible hydrocarbon deposits. Ignoring the tragic reality of the climate crisis we are experiencing and the calls from the public and the scientific community for the immediate cessation of seismic surveys, ELPE is persisting in its exploration for oil and mineral gases, disregarding the serious threat to the biodiversity in the area - an area considered to be of global significance for Mediterranean sea mammals.

In Decision 7.13 of the ACCOBAMS Agreement for the conservation of cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean and the Atlantic Adjacent Zone, it states categorically that in the case of creatures being washed ashore it is mandatory for acoustic surveys to halt and for the maximum effort to be made to discover the reason for them being washed ashore. In the contract awarding the exploitation rights for oil and mineral gases, there is also an obligation for the contracted company to take remedial measures and the right to call for a cessation of work in cases where there are reasonable grounds that damage is being done to underwater life. ELPE's non-compliance with the aforementioned conditions may indicate violation of the licence granted to the company by the Greek State for the Ionian area.

"We recently witnessed ELPE's seismic surveys in the Ionian and from the first day we warned of the devastating consequences of the seismic explosions on cetaceans and their fragile Mediterranean habitat," said Sandy Fameliari, Programme Director for Climate Change at the Greek Greenpeace office. "They haven't listened to us. We are here again today to ask for the obvious - the immediate cessation of seismic surveys. ELPE is obliged to officially call a complete halt to seismic surveys in the Ionian region, respecting the calls of the local communities, the scientific community and organisations. What is happening today is proof, yet again, that hydrocarbon mining directly threatens biodiversity, the climate and the future of our country. Fossil fuels must remain where they belong - in the ground. ELPE must finally respect our right to live here with a stable climate and healthy seas. Anything else is just greenwashing, which no longer convinces anyone."

In order to find oil and gas, the SW Cook uses air gun arrays which cause explosions at the bottom of the sea by firing air at an extremely high pressure so that the sounds created can penetrate the water and the subsoil. The explosions take place every 12 seconds day and night. The research vessel has to travel in straight lines along a network in order to collect data related to possible oil and gas deposits and any variance renders the data useless. The sounds emitted by the explosions are equivalent to an underwater volcano and can cause chronic anxiety in the sea mammals in the area, displacement, temporary or permanent loss of hearing or even death.

Mariza Karydi, an activist taking part in our peaceful protest, says that the vessel is searching oil and gases which will destroy her future. "Science is clear. We don't have the luxury to be able to mine and burn new hydrocarbon deposits if we want to keep the Earth's temperature below dangerous levels and if we want to avoid a climate catastrophe. At the moment I am looking at a ship invited here by the Greek Government and ELPE to do just that, whilst at the same time putting the health of this important Mediterranean marine ecosystem in danger."

Unfortunately, the assurances from the Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management and ELPE that seismic surveys are being conducted with complete transparency and based on optimal practices are just empty words. Even at this late juncture we are here and are asking the following from ELPE:

- An official announcement that it will immediately halt the seismic surveys in the Ionian area.

- It cancels all the plans for hydrocarbon mining in which it is participating.

- It aligns the company's business model with the requirements of the Paris Agreement/

We call on members of the public to sign here for the protection of the Ionian and our seas, as well as the cancellation of plans for hydrocarbon extraction in the country.

We also call on the community to join us in putting pressure on the government and politicians to immediately stop seismic surveys in the Ionian.