Dispute between tourist accommodation establishments and Ministry of Tourism about lifeguards

Tourism Ministry
02 Jul 2021
/ 14:21
CORFU. The Ministry is adamant but businesses warn that they will not apply the provision.
The intransigent attitude of the Ministry of Tourism has created strong dissatisfaction
in the Tourist Accommodation Federations of Zakynthos, Thessaly, Central
Greece-Evia, Pancretian, Panhellenic 'Aristotle' and Corfu, as it completely ignores their repeated written appeals and interventions not to implement the provision of the Joint Ministerial Decision signed by the Ministries of Tourism and Health, which obliges small businesses that have a swimming pool, to hire a lifeguard.
The letter points out that at this time of crisis in the tourism industry it is inconceivable to ask small or very small tourism entrepreneurs who are suffering financially to dig deep into their pockets to ensure that they have a lifeguard in the new season, all the more so when the help they have received from the state so far is insignificant or even non-existent.
In conclusion, the Federations have stated that if the government insists on this
unfair and untimely policy, it should know that businesspeople will not implement it,
not because they don't want to, but because they can't.
in the Tourist Accommodation Federations of Zakynthos, Thessaly, Central
Greece-Evia, Pancretian, Panhellenic 'Aristotle' and Corfu, as it completely ignores their repeated written appeals and interventions not to implement the provision of the Joint Ministerial Decision signed by the Ministries of Tourism and Health, which obliges small businesses that have a swimming pool, to hire a lifeguard.
The letter points out that at this time of crisis in the tourism industry it is inconceivable to ask small or very small tourism entrepreneurs who are suffering financially to dig deep into their pockets to ensure that they have a lifeguard in the new season, all the more so when the help they have received from the state so far is insignificant or even non-existent.
In conclusion, the Federations have stated that if the government insists on this
unfair and untimely policy, it should know that businesspeople will not implement it,
not because they don't want to, but because they can't.