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All the new measures in detail - Civil Protection Minister announces widespread checks

01 Nov 2020 / 10:18

ATHENS. Civil Protection Deputy Minister Nikos Hardalias and Minister Michalis Chrysohoidis presented the new Covid measures yesterday evening.

The 4 Levels on the risk-assessment map have now been consolidated into 2 Levels.

The first two Levels (green and yellow) have become Level 1 - Monitoring / Yellow. Corfu is at Level 1.

The next two Levels (orange and red) have become Level 2 - High Risk / Red. Including in this Level are Attica and the whole of Northern Greece.

Full details can be seen here. (Greek)

6 nationwide measures

1. Masks must be worn everywhere - outdoors and indoors
2. Mandatory use of masks on public transport
3. Restricted movement from 12 midnight until 05:00 (with the exception of work and health reasons)
4. Mandatory home/tele working in the public and private sectors for 50% of employees.
5. 100% online tutorials and learning for higher education institutes (with the exception of clinics and labs)
6. Visiting prohibited at all welfare facilities

Deputy Minister Nikos Hardalias stated that throughout the country retail and wholesale outlets, factories, schools, outdoor archaeological sites, hotels and hairdressers will continue to operate.

Meetings & Gatherings

Level 1 - Monitoring

- Measures will be taken according to epidemiological data in the regions and the country as a whole.
- Maximum 50 people
- Distancing of 1.5 metres

Level 2 - High Risk

- SUSPENSION of public gatherings in accordance with the Consitutional provisions for Public Health.


Level 1 - Monitoring

- Mandatory use of masks by personnel and by customers whilst waiting (not while seated at tables or bar).
- 6 people per table
- No. of customers - 50% of capacity
- Distancing between tables/chairs according to regulations.
- Closed between 23:30 and 05:00 (with the exception of takeaways / delivery services but sale of alcohol is prohibited). Live music prohibited.

Level 2 - High Risk

- All establishments closed
- Only takeaways and delivery services can operate.


Level 1 - Monitoring

- No spectators for games and training.
- Number of people taking part at 75% of capacity.
- Regulations and health protocols for training and games.

Masks must be worn by personnel, by customers whilst waiting in public areas and for group exercises, 1 person per 10 sq.m. Masks need not be worn for individual exercises with distances of 2 metres.

Level 2 - High Risk

- No sports activities.
- Individual exercises allowed ONLY at outdoor public areas and without a coach/trainer.
- Individual sports activities allowed ONLY at outdoor sports facilities.
- Only Super League, Basket League and European matches allowed.
- Gyms closed.

Civil Protection Minister Michalis Chrysohoidis underlined that, "all the police force will be on the streets - from the Chief to the simplest police officer. I am calling on everyone not to take it lightly. Whoever is out enjoying themselves without adhering to the measures is digging graves. Business owners who think only of their takings and break the law are digging graves. When the new measures come into force on Tuesday this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated. Going from region to region to find places that are open will not be tolerated. There will be strict checks. Otherwise Greece will have to lock down completely. Disobedience is an irresponsible and illegal act. Solidarity means wearing a mask and adhering to the measures."