Saturday 21.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Pope Francis wears mask in public

10 Sep 2020 / 18:10

(CGTN Europe). Germany has extended its travel ban on all countries outside Europe until 30 September but will switch to country-specific travel restrictions from 1 October.

- With the virus spreading in France at its fastest rate since it emerged in the country, the government is discussing the possibility of bringing in local lockdowns.

- British scientists have created a four-level scoring model for evaluating the risk of death for patients hospitalized with COVID-19, saying it could help doctors quickly choose the most appropriate treatment for each patient.

- Predictions for Germany's economic contraction amid the pandemic this year have been cut, with economic institute DIW estimating the decline would be 6 percent instead of its previously prediction of 9.4 percent.

- Czechia has registered more than 1,000 cases for a second day in a row, and has widened the compulsory wearing of face masks.

- Austria has reported 664 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours – the biggest daily increase since late March, with 387 of them in Vienna.

- Ryanair has joined other European airlines in slashing its annual passenger target, this time by 10 million, as travel restrictions continue to hinder international travel.

- Lloyd's of London, the world's largest insurance market, has raised estimates for the total amount it expects to pay out in COVID-19-related claims from $4.3 billion in May to $6.5 billion.