Saturday 21.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Global coronavirus data

22 Jul 2020 / 18:13

Globally, 14.9 million people have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, nearly 8.5 million have recovered and nearly 616,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University.

- France's public health authority says it's still too early to give a precise coronavirus death toll but says 29,186 deaths in hospital and care homes were directly linked to the virus between March and May. The mortality rate at the end of March was 60 percent higher than normal.

- Leading scientists have warned that the UK will be living with the coronavirus for many years to come and even once a vaccine is available it is unlikely to eliminate it for good. "Things will not be done by Christmas," said one member of the government's advisory group of scientists.

- Airlines are calling for a joint virus testing program in the U.S. and Europe so travel can resume. British Airways and United Airlines are two of the companies that sent a letter to U.S. vice president Mike Pence and Ylva Johansson, the European commissioner for home affairs. The EU doesn't currently allow visits from U.S. residents and the UK requires people arriving from the U.S. to spend 14 days in self-imposed quarantine.

- An Austrian woman goes on trial today for ignoring quarantine rules. The woman from Klagenfurt has been accused of going to the post office with COVID-19 and not wearing a mask. The unprecedented trial could face a three-year jail term.

- Ireland's government has relaxed quarantine rules on travel to and from 15 European countries but says it's still the safest decision not to travel. The "green list" includes Malta, Finland, Norway, Italy and Slovakia. The UK, France and Spain are still on the quarantine list.

- The mayor of A Coruña in the Galicia region of northwest Spain has criticized second division football club Fuenlabrada for traveling to the city for a crunch match despite a COVID-19 outbreak among the team. The club says everyone who took the plane had taken a negative test but Monday's match was called off and will be replayed on 30 July.

- In Scotland, beauticians, nail salons and tattoo parlors can reopen from today.

- Ukraine has canceled visa requirements for Australia, New Zealand and some Arab states from 1 August, according to a decree signed by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy published on his website.

- A new study by the University of Nebraska suggests COVID-19 can spread through normal speaking and breathing and is able to travel further than two meters, according to a report by AFP. The findings have not yet been peer-reviewed.

- Belgian officials urge action to prevent a "virus avalanche" after a surge in cases following a relaxation of measures in the country.