Sunday 29.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Corfu patient waiting to be discharged from Ioannina Hospital. All Thursday΄s samples from Corfu tested negative

24 Apr 2020 / 15:05

IOANNINA. The widow of Vaggelis Stasinos, who died from coronavirus, is waiting to be discharged from Ioannina University Hospital Infectious Diseases Unit.

According to a statement from the hospital, she is in very good condition and is expected to be discharged in the coming days.

11 samples were sent from Corfu to Ioannina University lab and all tested negative. The Lab in Ioannina tested 56 new samples yesterday, 40 from Epirus hospitals, 5 from Lefkada General Hospital and 11 from Corfu General Hospital. All tested negative.

The condition of the other patients hospitalised in the ICU and Step Down Unit has also shown improvement.

The coronavirus patient from Ioannina who is hospitalised in the Step Down Unit has been extubated and his condition has greatly improved.

An older patient from Arta is hospitalised in the ICU - his condition is stable.