Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Alarm bells ringing with water shortages throughout Corfu

water supply
23 Aug 2019 / 12:48

CORFU. Residents in Stavros have had a water shortage for a month and Ai Gordi has also had problems. The holidaymaker in Sinies who phoned Enimerosi is justified in his complaint. The response from the service responsible is not reassuring.

Those who believe that Corfu's biggest problem is with the rubbish are possibly not aware of what is happening with the water. The alarm bells regarding water shortages have been ringing for a long time - and they ring louder each year.

This summer the problems have been more frequent and DEYAK has been receiving continuous complaints. Residents in Stavros have had a water shortage for a month and Ai Gordi has also had problems. The holidaymaker in Sinies who phoned Enimerosi is justified in his complaint. The response from the service responsible is not reassuring and they themselves are concerned.

If the region with the complaint is supplied from Zygos, then the problem is due to excessive extraction from the water table. If the supply comes from the well drilled in Kassiopi, things aren't so bad but even there the water reserves are not so great and are diminishing year by year.

Residents' patience is also diminishing, however - the first indication that something needed to be done about water shortage on the island was back in the 80s. Last century.

Since then there has been a lot of rainwater - to which the island owes its greenery and beauty. But alas, huge amounts are lost in the Ionian Sea - initially for geological reasons but also due to the indolence of the local authorities.

The wells are drying up and the fresh water is pouring into the sea. Cyprus, where it rains once every five years (so to speak) doesn't have a water shortage problem and yet in Corfu, where it rains continuously from September to May, all the authorities do is talk and act as if they know what they are doing.

Ironically, after this article was written the Regional Administration issued a press release announcing that there will be funding of nearly half a million for anti-flooding works.