Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Awaiting Theodorikakos΄ ΄solution΄ to the rubbish problem!

waste management
22 Aug 2019 / 12:37

CORFU. Fast track congratulations to the Minister for the Interior.

After almost a month the much-vaunted 'emergency fast-track' approval for the contracting out of refusal collection in the four districts of Central Corfu has yet to materialise. Following all the grand announcements, the matter of the 'unseen' message from Ydraiou to Nikolouzos and the swift approval from the Hellenic Single Public Procurement Authority (EAADHSY) we now have triumphant posts on Facebook from the Minister for the Interior Takis Theodorikakos.

The post received a deluge of congratulatory comments. Several even requested that he solve the problem in their region in the same swift manner...

The need for a solution in Corfu arose because there was a court appeal regarding the contractor in Central Corfu which was due to be heard on 13 August and in the meantime there was an urgent need to deal with the piles of rubbish immediately.

We are already approaching the end of August and the progress of the much-praised fast track procedure is as follows: It was approved by the Town Council and has recently also been approved by the Finance Committee. The court appeal has also been heard (which supposedly would have delayed the procedure) and the court decision is now being awaited.

Deputy Mayor for Cleansing Spyros Kaloudis told Enimerosi that refuse collection has been carried out all this time by the same means - without the problem being solved.

Given the speed at which bureaucracy proceeds it is more than likely that August will pass and eventually one of the two contractors will proceed with the work (same contractor, same price).

It seems, after all, that the only thing that was fast track was the sending of congratulations to the Minister....