21-year-old motorcyclist injured after hitting parked cars

road accident
12 Aug 2019
/ 06:52
CORFU. The young man was taken to Corfu Hospital, where he remains hospitalised.
According to the port authorities, the accident happened in the early hours of Saturday morning on Eth. Antistaseos Rd when the 21-year-old motorcyclist swerved on the road, hit two empty parked cars and injured himself when he fell on the road.
He was immediately taken by ambulance to Corfu Hospital, where he remains hospitalised.
Corfu Central Port Authority is carrying out an investigation and the results of the two alcotests carried out on the mottorcyclist were 0.56mg/l and 0.49mg/l.
He was immediately taken by ambulance to Corfu Hospital, where he remains hospitalised.
Corfu Central Port Authority is carrying out an investigation and the results of the two alcotests carried out on the mottorcyclist were 0.56mg/l and 0.49mg/l.