Sunday 09.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Hotel employees - Work stoppages for unpaid wages

hotel employees
17 Jul 2019 / 07:21

CORFU. There were work stoppages yesterday from hotel employees who said that "Enough is enough".

They also threatened to go on strike. and announced that the company owes them holiday pay, some of May's wages and wages from June.

Unanimous vote at the strike meeting

The employees at the Sunshine Hotel, with the support of the Corfu Hotel Employees' Union and the Workers' Centre, carried out a 4-hour work stoppages today Tuesday 16 July from 07:00 to 11:00 and 15:00 to 19:00 with the participation of all employees to demand the full payment of all monies due to us.

The company owes us holiday pay, some of May's wages and wages from June. If we are not paid the full amounts by Friday 19 July, we will go on strike.

Enough is enough!

We are working without knowing when we are going to be paid and under adverse conditions due to lack of personnel. Up to now we have shown patience and not taken any action due to the decent attitude of the new hotel management which, for the first time after all the years we have worked here, treats us as workers and humans.

Unfortunately, our patience has been abused and the delay in wage payment continues with impunity along with the violation of contracts and legal wages.

We will not yield to them and won't accept the exploitation of our hard labour so that they can become rich and take holidays with the sweat of others.