Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Growing interest in the protection of Vidos Island

30 Jun 2019 / 08:54

CORFU. Corfiots of all ages, ways of life and political leanings responded to the invitation from the Vidos Initiative.

The common concern is the perceived danger of the island being neglected, its historical identity and the possible dampening of interest from the local community and Corfu Town - of which it is a natural extension.

Despite the heat, plenty of people came and the boat to the island filled and more came on the next shuttle.

People gathered under the large pine trees on makeshift benches usually occupied by children at the summer camp. Everyone was concerned and there were lots of questions. The following spoke about the aims of the Initiative that has been set up: Tatiana Spingou, Zeliko Popovic from Serbia, Regional Scout Leader Yiannis Dris, Stefanos Poulimenos, Georgios Sklavounos, Georgios Katsaitis, Georgios Raidestinos and Georgios Doukas.

There was discussion with people who were taking part for the first time in this unofficial initiative who expressed their personal experiences. The Municipality's contract with those who rent the restaurant was talked about and whether it would still be accessible to all Corfu residents who over the years regularly visit the small island for swimming, company, summer camp and religious and traditional celebrations.

The Initiative has highlighted the following points:
- Vidos is a part of Corfu's longtime and recent historical heritage which should be promoted and protected (Serbian Mausoleum, Russian Monument, juvenile prison and collective Corfu memories).
- It is a natural extension of Corfu Town which everyone should be able to easily visit and enjoy.
- It is an ideal location for camps for children, scouts, guides and international visitors and should gradually also become a location for other non-business activities.
- The local authority is obliged to ensure that all business enterprises on the island should not obstruct the above and should give priority to the Corfu public, to whom the island belongs, and to religious visitors for whom it is a sacred place.
- The biggest danger for Vidos is the gradual establishment and acceptance of faits accomplis and the indifference of those responsible.

The meeting ended with an agreement to continue the visits and meetings on the island until the Initiative takes the form of an association whose aims are to develop and loof after the island so that it can continue to be a natural extension of the town - both its past and its present.

See more photos here.