Saturday 05.10.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Corfu hoteliers concerned about the rubbish

Corfu hotels
22 Jan 2019 / 12:16

CORFU. Representatives from Corfu Hoteliers΄ Association and Corfu Federation of Tourist Accommodation Owners met with Deputy Mayor for Cleansing Spyros Kaloudis.

The meeting was held to discuss the matter of refuse collection in Corfu in view of the upcoming tourist season.

The two organizations told the Deputy Mayor of the concern of their members about the situation in Corfu which still prevails - there are areas on the island where refuse collection still hasn't been completed - and how the Municipality plans to find a solution once and for all so that we don't have the same tragic situation that we had last summer.

The Deputy Mayor updated them on the situation with the Municipality and Cleansing Services - which is desperately short of personnel and equipment - and then assured them the Municipality was taking all the necessary steps to prevent problems with refuse collection during the tourist season. He stressed how important the vote at next Thursday's Council Meeting was in order to find a solution.

Despite the Deputy Mayor's assurances the representatives from the two organizations still expressed concern and said that their conclusion from the meeting was that if the Cleansing Services' proposals don't materialise by the middle of March 2019, Corfu will be a huge rubbish dump for this tourist season and for years to come - with all the obvious consequences for residents and businesses.