Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Work at Dassia beach stopped

31 Oct 2018 / 07:53

CORFU. Work on the beach in front of a hotel in Dassia, which had begun early in the morning, was stopped on Tuesday.

The Cultural and Development Society in the area stopped the work from continuing. According to a post on social media by a member, the work began early in the morning with bulldozers moving sand and altering the terrain (which the same company had created).

As soon as it was realised what was happening, it was reported to the police who, having ascertained that the work was being carried out without permission, told them to stop.

At the beginning of the season the same company was also reported by local residents for blocking access to a public beach where it charged bathers. The hotel management were then obliged to remove the barriers.

Below Tuesday's post on social media there was long discussion on the subject of public beaches - which is a problem in Corfu and other Greek tourist resorts with abuses being a continuous source of dispute.