Sunday 07.07.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Today΄s parade at 12:15 - Lefkimmi residents at Pentofanero at 11:00

28 October
28 Oct 2018 / 06:31

CORFU. Residents from the south will be holding a peaceful protest at the school parade - the highlight of the 28 October celebrations.

The highlight of today's 28 October celebrations is the large school parade at 12:15, which will be attended by the Government representative Natasa Xepapadea - the Anti-Corruption General Secretary at the Ministry for Justice, Transparency and Human Rights.

Lefkimmi residents will be giving their own symbolic OXI (NO). Residents from South Corfu will gather at Pentofanero at 11:00 to put across the message that the situation in their region (waste, riot police etc.) cannot continue. The President of Lefkimmi Cultural Society Spyros Pandis stressed on Corfu TV that it will be a peaceful protest: "A peaceful protest against the situation we are going through...We call on everyone to come so that we can put across the message 'No more degradation!'".

Today's programme:

07:30 - Marches with Philharmonic Bands in the central streets in town. Joyful pealing of bells in all the churches.

08:00 - Raising of the flag at the New Fortress with Philharmonic Bands and armed forces lined up at the entrance.

10:55 - Arrival of guests of honour at the Metropolitan Church.

11:00 - Official Doxology at the Metropolitan Church Spiliotisas led by Nektarios Archbishop of Corfu, Paxos and Diapontia Islands.

Following the Doxology the formal message of the day will be presented by Marina Papasotiriou, curator of the Corfu branch of the National Gallery.

11:30 - Memorial Service and laying of wreaths at the Hero statue by officials.

One minute silence in honour of the glorious dead.

12:15 - Procession along Agoniston Polytechniou St. with war disabled, students, pupils, scouts, guides and units from the Armed forces, Police, Port Authority, Fire Service and Border Guards as well as the Philharmonic Bands 'Mantzaros', 'Spyros Samaras' and 'Capodistrias'.

17:30 - Lowering of the flag at the New Fortress.