Friday 07.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Large protest with quad bikes in the centre of town.

07 May 2018 / 12:53

CORFU. Dozens of quad bikes drove round town today in protest against the Ministry of Transport legislation.

The Ministry of Transport and the Hellenic Federation of Tourism Vehicles are in conflict over the question of quad bikes, which can be seen all over the Greek islands in the summer.

According to the proposed Bill, quad bikes of 125cc and less will not be allowed to drive on asphalt roads, although they will be able to cross them. The article also states that if a quad bike is rented to someone who doesn't have a proper licence, the hire company, the hirer and the driver - if he/she also doesn't have a licence - will be fined 1,000 Euros. In the event of a recurrence, then a fine of 2,000 Euros will be imposed and the vehicle impounded.

The prohibition of these vehicles affects about 80% of the ATV vehicles, which professionals claim will create a serious problem of survival for thousands of car and motorcycle hire companies.

Corfu Motorcycle Hire Association had the following to say:

"Following a meeting with the Deputy Minister, Mr. Mavragani, and the Minister Ms Kountoura, where we were promised that there would be an announcement of a transition period on 28th April, we haven't heard anything more. In fact, the General Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Mr. Vourdas, gave new promises of a solution at the end of May.

With the tourist season now underway, our businesses are threatened with closure and the obvious consequences for us and our families."