Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Good attendance on the first day of the Corfu Tourism ΑειForum conference

corfu tourism
19 Nov 2017 / 08:19

CORFU. The burning problems of Corfu tourism were addressed on Saturday – the first day of the Corfu Tourism ΑειForum conference, which took place in the packed hall of the Chamber of Commerce.

The sessions were followed with interest by people of all ages, old and new businesspeople involved directly or indirectly with tourism.

The Mayor of Corfu, Kostas Nikolouzos, gave the opening address and amongst those attending were the Corfu SYRIZA MP, Fotini Vaki, Deputy Regional Governor for Tourism, Spyros Galiatsatos, Deputy Regional Governor for Corfu, Nikoletta Pandi, the Deputy Mayors for Tourism, Vassilis Kavvadias, for Economy, Giorgos Pantelios and for Central Corfu, Giorgos Karydis, the President of the Corfu Port Authority, Spyros Stefanidis as well as representatives from various businesses and organizations.

Professionals and experts discussed topics such as Destination Management, Marketing, linking local food products with tourism, the creation of a specialized cultural tourism product and making the most of the myth of Ulysses.

In the afternoon sessions, the following topics were covered: Land Use & Planning in Tourism, Harnessing new technologies to strengthen the destination’s image and educational activities in the field of tourism at the Ionian University. Mr. Pelais, President of Hotel Employees Union, member of PAME Secretariat and GSEE Administration also discussed contemporary employment issues in the tourism economy.

You can see photos from the conference here.

On Sunday, the conference sessions will continue at the Ionian Academy.

Programme – 2nd Day

10.00 – 11.30
The Greek economy and its prospects. The end of one experiment and the beginning of another.
Speaker: Dr. Dionysos Chionis, Professor of Economics, Demokritio University, Thrace.

The present and the future of very small and small businesses.
Speaker: Vassilis Korkidis, President, Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE)
Speaker: Giorgos Kavathas, President Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants (GSEVEE)

11.30 – 12.00
Tourist economy for the benefit of the local economy and small businesses.
Speaker: G. Hondroyiannis, President, Chamber of Commerce.

12.00 – 13.00
Report on the economic development of the Ionian Islands for 2016 by the Economic Chamber.
Speaker: Giorgos Poulis, General Secretary, Ionian branch of the Greek Economic Chamber.

Cruises: Trends and prospects.
Speaker: Aris Batsoulis, 1st Vice-President, Mediterranean Cruise Ports.

13.00 – 14.00