cultural heritage

Corfu ΄Petegoletsa΄ a candidate for Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory
ATHENS. It was presented by the Corfu Events Organisation (OKE) at the Intangible Cultural Heritage Network meeting, along with the ΄Saint΄s Loukoumades΄ and the Patouni Soap Factory.

European Heritage Days at Capodistrias Museum
CORFU. 23-24 September, 10:00-16:00

3rd working meeting for Cultural Collaboration Network
CORFU. The 3rd working meeting of the "Network of Theatres for the valorization of cultural and natural heritage" will take place in Corfu on 4 & 5 September.

Exhibition: "Far away...the island of salvation...the Serbs in Corfu (1916-18)"
CORFU. As part of 2018 - European Year of Cultural Heritage the Antiquities Inspectorate is organizing an exhibition in the Latin Chapel in the Old Fortress.

Photography Exhibition: ΄Chisels and Memories (Smili kai Mnimi) - The contribution of marblework to the restoration of monuments΄
CORFU. The Committee for the Conservation of the Acropolis Monuments (ESMA), Acropolis Restoration Service (YSMA) and the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage are celebrating the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 with a photography exhibition - ΄Smili and Mnimi΄ (Chisels and Memories).

Discover Corfu΄s 18 museums on Museum Finder
As well as offering natural beauty Corfu also has a rich history and cultural heritage which can be seen throughout the island.

Conference on Sites and Monuments in Western Greece and the Ionian Islands
CORFU. The protection, maintenance, promotion, management and utilization of cultural heritage today are a matter of political choice.