Sunday 29.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


22 Oct 2020 / 14:00
Golden Dawn leaders to go to prison

ATHENS. Golden Dawn leaders, including Michaloliakos, Kassidiaris, Germenis, Panayiotaros, Lagos, Pappas and Mathaiopoulos, are to go to prison - suspended sentences were given to just 12 of the 51 accused.

07 Oct 2020 / 13:54
Historic verdict: Golden Dawn a criminal organisation - Roupakias guilty of Fissas murder

ATHENS. All 18 Golden Dawn political members found guilty and 7 of them for running a criminal organisation. Roupakias guilty of the murder of Fissas along with 15 of the 17 accused.

11 Apr 2020 / 08:23
Message of solidarity from Central Corfu Municipality to people in countries going through pandemic ordeal

CORFU. Message of love and solidarity with ΄Va, pensiero΄ from the opera Nabucco by Verdi.