Friday 27.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


05 Jan 2020 / 09:25
΄The Voice-Citizens for Transparency΄: Recycling in Corfu is at 7% not 14%

CORFU. ΄The Voice - Citizens for Transparency΄ has challenged the 14% figure announced by Meropi Ydraiou.

05 Jan 2020 / 00:00
Opening of Green Spot in Nymphes

CORFU. Nymphes is the 14th Green Spot in the North Corfu Municipality.

29 Dec 2019 / 13:23
Mushroom Lovers and San Giacomo Association at ΄Christmas Fairy Tale΄

CORFU. Along with delicacies, Corfu Mushroom Lovers Society and San Giacomo Association gave out a message with their actions in Old Town Hall on Sunday morning.

23 Dec 2019 / 09:03
Green Spot in Perithia - another four preparing to open in North Corfu

CORFU. The Perithia-Loutses Green Spot in North Corfu is to reopen following a meeting in the area.

22 Dec 2019 / 09:24
Another 7 tons of recyclable clothing in just 45 days!

CORFU. Yet more waste that won΄t be ending up in Temploni.

16 Dec 2019 / 17:04
Corfu΄s second clothing recycling bin in Sinies

CORFU. North Corfu now has its own red recycling bin for clothing and footwear.

15 Dec 2019 / 00:00
Perithia the next stop in the North Corfu recycling campaign

CORFU. The volunteer recycling group in Perithia is organising a recycling meeting at Hari΄s Taverna on Sunday 15 December.

14 Dec 2019 / 00:00
Recycling meeting in Sinies

CORFU. Sinies Educational & Cultural Society is organising a recycling meeting.

09 Dec 2019 / 08:44
Spyros Neratzis:"7 months of clothing & footwear recycling"

CORFU. Announcement from All Together for Corfu and Spyros Neratzis regarding the first 7 months of clothing and footwear recycling in Corfu and presentation of 25 €10 gift vouchers to the Red Cross Corfu branch.

08 Dec 2019 / 15:45
Kavalouri to open Green Spot soon

CORFU. There was a recycling meeting in Kavalouri, North Corfu today.

06 Dec 2019 / 09:26
Method of collecting recyclable materials in Greece is changing

ATHENS - PALLINI. Municipal Councillor Spyros Neratzis represented Corfu at the launch of the first production unit for Reverse Vending Machines under the aegis of the American Embassy.

08 Dec 2019 / 00:00
Recycling campaign continues in Kavalouri, North Corfu

CORFU. Efforts to encourage recycling are continuing in North Corfu - this time in Kavalouri.

01 Dec 2019 / 15:31
Recycling reaches Dafni - another new Green Spot

CORFU. Yet another step in raising public awareness about recycling - this time in Dafni, North Corfu.

30 Nov 2019 / 00:00
Recycling meeting in Dafni

CORFU. Yet another initiative to try and raise public awareness about recycling - this time in Dafni.

26 Nov 2019 / 08:15
Meropi Ydraiou updates the Municipal Council on the waste situation

CORFU. The Central Corfu & Diapontia Islands Mayor Meropi Ydraiou made an appeal to the Council to raise awareness and embrace the culture of recycling.

23 Nov 2019 / 09:56
Dr.Adamantios Skordilis talks about circular economy at North Corfu Municipal Council meeting

CORFU. The North Corfu Municipal Council met at Thinali School Centre on Friday evening.

22 Nov 2019 / 14:12
Dr.Adamantios Skordilis at Acharavi Green Spot

CORFU. North Corfu Municipal Councillor for Recycling Spyridoula Kokkali today welcomed Dr. Adamantios Skordilis, environmental engineer at Berlin Polytechnic, former General Director of the Hellenic Recycling Organisation and member of the Ministry for the Environment & Energy.

21 Nov 2019 / 12:58
Central Corfu School Recycling Marathon began today

CORFU. The goal is to educate school pupils, increase the number of those recycling and to reward them for their efforts.