Sunday 30.06.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


12 Aug 2018 / 00:00
Kinopiastes Philharmonic Band concert

CORFU. Kinopiastes Philharmonic Band will be putting on a concert on Sunday 12th August.

26 Jul 2018 / 08:08
1.2 million Euros for Green Point in Kinopiastes

CORFU. Regional Governor Theodoros Galiatsatos put his signature to the project ΄Construction and Equipping of a Green Point in Corfu Municipality΄ with a budget of 1,162,506 Euros.

04 Jan 2018 / 08:39
Kinopiastes Philharmonic (Brass Band) Concert

CORFU. The Kinopiastes Philharmonic Band will be giving a concert on Saturday 6th at 7pm.