Corfu Gymnastics Association summer camp 20/6 - 9/8

CORFU. The Camp will operate from 08:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
(Corfu Gymnastics Association) For the past 7 years, the Corfu Gymnastics Association Ioannis Capodistrias Sports Club have successfully co-organised the Sports Summer Camp for children aged 5-12. The operation of the Camp primarily includes sports activities, as well as educational activities, in accordance with the corresponding teaching programme of the Ministry of Education, adapted to the context of summer activities.
Recognising that most parents as well as pupils in Corfu Town, work in summer tourism businesses, and addressing their concerns regarding the quality engagement of their children during the summer holiday period when schools are closed, we have scheduled the operation of this year's 8th Sports Summer Camp from 20 June to 9 August.
The operation of the Camp is from 08:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and in the early years, the Gymnasium of the Kerkyraikos G.S. was the main place where its activities took place.
The Camp will operate from 08:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The sports offered by the two clubs (Cricket, Track and Field, Basketball, Handball, Table Tennis and Swimming in collaboration with NAOK) are taught by the clubs' coaches and supply Physical Education teachers. Additionally, educators from other specialties, such as Paedagogy, Kindergarten Teachers, Visual Arts, etc., undertake the rest of the activities. An important part of the Camp's programme is educating the children about the rich cultural history of our island through many visits to places of cultural interest.
Applications have already started being submitted daily at the offices of Corfu Gymnastics Association as well as via email: [email protected]. For information, call 26610 21047 & 6937 886871.
The programme manager is Physical Education teacher Sakis Koutroumpanos.